Square Foot Gardening Chart
This is a great method for growing either in raised beds, a dedidcated vegetable garden, in your existing garden or integrated into your edible food forest ecosystem.
For each vegetable type below, here is the suggested density of planting.
Vegetable Type | Plant Spacing Per Square | Vegetable Type | Plant Spacing Per Square |
Arugula | 4 | Oregano | 1 |
Asian Greens | 4 | Parsley | 4 |
Basil | 2-4 | Parsnips | 9 |
Beans (bush) | 4-9 | Peanuts | 1 |
Beets | 9 | Peas | 4-9 |
Bok Choy (baby) | 9 | Peppers (Bell) | 1 |
Broccoli | 1 | Peppers (All Others) | 1 |
Brussel Sprout | 1 | Potatoes | 4 |
Cabbage | 1 | Pumpkins | 1 |
Cantaloupe | 2 squares per plant | Quinoa | 4 |
Carrots | 9-16 | Radicchio | 2 |
Cauliflower | 1 | Radishes | 12-16 |
Celery | 4 | Rhubarb | 1 |
Celtuce | 2 | Romaine | 4 |
Chives | 4 | Rosemary | 1 |
Cilantro | 1-9 | Rutabagas | 4 |
Collards | 1 | Sage | 1 |
Corn | 4 | Scallions | 36 |
Cucumbers | 2 | Shallots | 4 |
Eggplant | 1 | Sorrel | 2 |
Endive | 4 | Spinach | 9 |
Fennel | 4 | Squash | 1 |
French Sorrel | 4-9 | Strawberry | 1-4 |
Garlic | 9 | Swiss Chard | 4 |
Green Onions | 16 | Tarragon | 1 |
Kale | 1 | Tomatoes | 1 |
Kohlrabi | 4 | Turnips | 9 |
Leeks | 9 | Thyme | 4 |
Lettuce (leaf) | 6 | Wasabi | 1 |
Lettuce (sm. head/bibb) | 3 | Watercress | 1 |
Lettuce (head) | 2 | Watermelon | 2 squares per plant |
Melons | 2 squares per plant | ||
Mint | 1-4 | Yellow Onion (large) | 2-4 |
Onions (bunching) | 9 | Zucchini | 1 |