Square Foot Gardening Chart

This is a great method for growing either in raised beds, a dedidcated vegetable garden, in your existing garden or integrated into your edible food forest ecosystem.   

For each vegetable type below, here is the suggested density of planting.


Vegetable Type Plant Spacing Per Square Vegetable Type Plant Spacing Per Square
Arugula 4 Oregano 1
Asian Greens 4 Parsley 4
Basil 2-4 Parsnips 9
Beans (bush) 4-9 Peanuts 1
Beets 9 Peas 4-9
Bok Choy (baby) 9 Peppers (Bell) 1
Broccoli 1 Peppers (All Others) 1
Brussel Sprout 1 Potatoes 4
Cabbage 1 Pumpkins 1
Cantaloupe 2 squares per plant Quinoa 4
Carrots 9-16 Radicchio 2
Cauliflower 1 Radishes 12-16
Celery 4 Rhubarb 1
Celtuce 2 Romaine 4
Chives 4 Rosemary 1
Cilantro 1-9 Rutabagas 4
Collards 1 Sage 1
Corn 4 Scallions 36
Cucumbers 2 Shallots 4
Eggplant 1 Sorrel 2
Endive 4 Spinach 9
Fennel 4 Squash 1
French Sorrel 4-9 Strawberry 1-4
Garlic 9 Swiss Chard 4
Green Onions 16 Tarragon 1
Kale 1 Tomatoes 1
Kohlrabi 4 Turnips 9
Leeks 9 Thyme 4
Lettuce (leaf) 6 Wasabi 1
Lettuce (sm. head/bibb) 3 Watercress 1
Lettuce (head) 2  Watermelon 2 squares per plant
Melons 2 squares per plant
Mint 1-4 Yellow Onion (large) 2-4
Onions (bunching) 9 Zucchini 1