Growing Rutabagas - Benefits and Instructions
Benefits of Growing Rutabagas
Medicinal- Rutabagas can effectively prevent premature aging, improve eyesight, and stimulate the healthy regeneration of cells. Rutabagas also have the ability to improve digestive health, boost the immune system and improve metabolic function.
- Nutritional Profile - Very high in fiber, Vitamin C, zinc, protein and potassium.
Use in: Soups, stews, roasted, mashed, pickled.
Growing Instructions
Harvesting rutabagas when they are about 3 to 5 inches in diameter will yield the best quality rutabagas. Rutabagas can remain in the ground as long as the soil temperature does not dip below -4.4°C. Mulch roots remaining in the ground.
Rutabagas will last for 2-3 weeks in the refrigerator if wrapped in moist cloth or paper towel. For winter storage pull the plants, trim off long roots and tops, and wash the roots lightly before letting them dry for a day in a cool place. The rutabagas can then be packed in damp sand or sawdust in a root cellar.
Turnips, squash, tomatoes, brassicas, onions, garlic, lettuce.