Arachis hypogea

Transkutuku Striped Peanut - Certified Organic Seeds

Days to maturity - 125 Days

Package Contains - 50 Seeds

Peanuts were domesticated thousands of years ago in South America, which is still a centre of diversity for this plant. Transkutuku is a striking traditional variety maintained by the Shuar and Achuar people of Morona Santiago, Ecuador.

The kernels have an amazing and beautiful stripy pattern, and the outer shell is pretty funky too. The flavour is just a little different from commercial peanut varieties, and might get you hooked.

The time to maturity is slightly longer than Valencia varieties, but since the nuts don't all mature at the same time, you can still get a good yield in southern Ontario.

Product Notes:

- Weights include shell - shells protect the seeds until they are ready to be planted.  Approximate number of Seeds are listed.    Weights are slightly over to account for possibility of receiving underdeveloped kernals.

Produced by Sunny Island Farms Pelee Island/Kingsville Ontario.

Checking local availability