Arachis hypogea

Ontario Valencia Mixed Land Races Peanut - Certified Organic Seeds

Days to maturity - 125-140

Package Contains - 50 Seeds

Peanuts have been grown commercially in southern Ontario for decades.

Most farmers save their own seed, resulting in a gradual process of selection for plants that are adapted to the climate as well as providing good yields.

This seed lot is a mixture of four unnamed local selections from Ontario, as well as one from Michigan's Upper Peninsula and one from Nova Scotia.

Since there is some genetic variability in this seed lot, some may turn out to be better adapted to your local conditions, including more northern locations.

A good starting point to do your own selecting.

Product Notes:

- Weights include shell - shells protect the seeds until they are ready to be planted.  Approximate number of Seeds are listed.    Weights are slightly over to account for possibility of receiving underdeveloped kernals.

Produced by Sunny Island Farm Pelee Island/ Kingsville Ontario.

Checking local availability